June 2024 Newsletter


Welcome to our monthly newsletter for apprentices and managers, this months focus will be  - Health & Wellbeing


Healthy Eating Week 2024 will take place from 10th to 14th June. 

Whether that means having one extra portion of fruit or vegetables a day, being a bit more active, experimenting with a new recipe or using up leftovers - Healthy Eating Week 2024 is all about giving it a go!

This week follows these key themes:

  • Get at least 5 A DAY
  • Stay hydrated
  • Move more
  • Focus on fibre
  • Reduce food waste

We will cover two of these in this newsletter.


Hints & Tips


Using your Totum Card

Use of your Totum card to get discounts on healthy lifestyle, including reduction on gym membership and outdoor equipment

Healthy Eating, Healthy Body & Mind

If you want to cut back on portion sizes or lose weight, why not check out gousto, where every dish is packed full of the freshest of ingredients.


Staying Hydrated

Medical research, published by Harvard Health, lists the many health benefits of drinking water: It carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells; flushes bacteria from your bladder; aids digestion; prevents constipation; helps normalise blood pressure; stabilises the heartbeat; cushions joints and protects organs and tissues.

According to the Natural Hydration Council, being properly hydrated is associated with better mental performance and cognition. It can also help to combat tiredness and fatigue. All these benefits combine to achieve greater productivity at work.

The Health and Safety Executive recommends employees should drink around half a pint (250ml) of water every 15 minutes when working hard in hot conditions. However, this may not be practical in the workplace, especially if the employee is wearing protective clothing that makes it hard to drink, or if the business’s hygiene rules prevent consuming food or drink while working. In this case, the HSE suggests drinking 500ml of water an hour before work commences and a further 500ml of water during each rest period.

The NHS recommends women should drink eight 200ml glasses of water and men should drink ten glasses each day. This advice is echoed by the British Nutrition Foundation, which says water is the best beverage to drink to keep hydrated.

You can find the original source of this information here.

At least 5 A day – What does that mean in practice

The Guardian reported in January 2024, that only 1 in 3 adults in the UK and Ireland eat 5 or more daily portions of fruit and vegetables. A higher proportion than any other nation in the developed world.

Why should we meet our 5 a day?

·  They're an excellent source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.

·  They can help to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

·  Fruit and vegetables contribute to a healthy, balanced diet.

Some tips for hitting your 5 a day

·  Aim to eat one or two portions with each meal

·  Make fruit or veg the first choice for a snack

·  Bulk up stews or curries with vegetables and pulses for extra flavour, texture and nutrition

·  Keep a supply of frozen fruit and veg at home

·  Try steaming or roasting vegetables rather than boiling, to retain the maximum amount of nutrients

·  Choose a variety of different fruits and veg; eat the rainbow


Religious Festival of the Month


Hajj is the sacred pilgrimage performed by Muslims at the holy mosque of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the five pillars of Islam, which means that it is obliged of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime (so long as they have the means). Hajj takes place during the same period each year – during the month of Dhul Hijjah, the twelfth month in the Islamic CalendarHajj begins on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah and lasts until the 13th of Dhul Hijjah.

This year, Hajj is taking place between 14th June to the 19th June 2024 in the Gregorian Calendar.


The pilgrimage is comprised of a series of rites and rituals, some of which must be performed in order. It can be physically demanding, as pilgrims are required to travel between locations throughout, and can walk on average between 5km-15km per day. Performing Hajj is a test of patience and temperament – it is a spiritual, emotional, and physical challenge, it can take some preparation and for many, it is a once in a lifetime event.


You can also see other religious events and festivals here.


What Else Has Been Happening...

We have just launched our open programme schedule for 2024/25 with a fantastic line up of both apprenticeship and paid for training programmes, along with a calendar of free to attend discovery events which act as insightful information sessions for anyone interested in learning more about our brilliant programmes. 

Whether you are thinking of your own future development, or how you could support other colleagues or your wider teams, why not take a look and get involved. You can find out more and download the schedules on our website using the button below.


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