Complaints Policy

Version Number 4
Issue Date (Last Review Date) 19/08/2021
Review Date 31/08/2022
Author Dawn Hughes (Quality & Compliance Manager)
Approved by Andy Cheshire (MD)



CQM is committed to providing a quality service for our members, customers and stakeholders by working in an open and accountable way that builds the trust and respect of all our stakeholders. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our members, customers and stakeholders, and in particular by responding positively to complaints, and by putting mistakes right. If you are unhappy with any of our services, it is important that you let us know.

Policy Scope

We will aim to ensure that:
• making a complaint is as easy as possible
• we treat a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our services which calls for an immediate response
• we deal with it promptly, politely and, when appropriate, confidentially
• we respond in the right way e.g. with an explanation, or an apology where we have got things wrong, or information on any action taken etc
• we learn from complaints, use them to improve our services, and review annually our complaints policy and procedure

We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally. An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. We will aim to resolve informal concerns quickly and effectively, however if concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, then a formal complaint should be raised, and the formal complaints procedure should be followed.

Anyone affected by the way we provide services can make a complaint. A representative may complain for the affected person if they:

  • have died
  • cannot make a complaint themselves
  • have given consent for the representative to act on their behalf

You can complain:

  • in person
  • by telephone
  • by email
  • by post
  • through a member of our staff
  • through an advocate or representative

To contact us, please click here.

Where someone complains orally, we will make a written record and provide a copy of it within 3 working days by either:

  • letter
  • email

When making a complaint please provide as much information as possible along with your contact details.

Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and the Company maintain confidentiality. However, the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it may not be possible to maintain confidentiality (with each complaint judged on its own merit). Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant.

Directors of the Board will receive annually an anonymised report of complaints made and their resolution.


The Company defines a complaint as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction’ that requires a formal response. A complaint can relate to any of the following:

  • the organisation
  • a member of staff
  • a product/service
  • a Director of the Board


We have a 2 stage complaints procedure. At each stage it will help us to resolve your complaint quickly if you can give us as much clear detail as possible, including any documents and correspondence.

Stage 1: Frontline Resolution

This is the first opportunity for us to resolve a complainant’s dissatisfaction, and the majority of complaints will be resolved at this stage.

In the first instance, if you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you should write to the member of staff who dealt with you, or their manager, so that they have a chance to put things right. If your complaint concerns a Director, rather than a member of staff, you should write formally to the individual concerned. In your communication you should set out the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the remedy you are seeking.

You can expect your complaint to be acknowledged within 4 working days of receipt. You should get a response and an explanation within 15 working days.

If you are unsure which member of staff to write to, your complaint should be sent to CQM Training & Consultancy Managing Director (MD). To submit a ‘Contact Us’ form please click here.

Stage 2: Investigation

If you are not satisfied with the MD response, then you have the option of writing to the Instructus Chief Executive.

Please write to:
Instructus Group
Unit 3, Cherry Hall Road,
Kettering Business Park,
NN14 1UE

Clearly state the reason why you are dissatisfied with the outcome and what your expectations are. You must do this within 15 working days of receiving the written response from the MD.

The Chief Executive will respond normally within 15 working days to inform you of the action which will be taken to investigate your complaint, and when you can expect to hear the outcome of the investigation.

Final Stage

If you are not satisfied with the subsequent reply from Instructus’ Chief Executive, then you have the option of writing to the Chair of CQM .

Please write to:
Instructus Group
Unit 3, Cherry Hall Road,
Kettering Business Park,
NN14 1UE

Clearly state the reason why you are dissatisfied with the outcome and what your expectations are. You must do this within 10 days of receiving the written response from Instructus’ Chief Executive.

The Chair of the Board (or their nominee) will respond normally within 10 working days to inform you of the action which will be taken to investigate your complaint, and when you can expect to hear the outcome of the investigation.

Apprenticeship Complaints

If the individual or organisation is unhappy with the outcome from the Chair, then they can carry on to a final stage and make a complaint to the ESFA Apprenticeship Service, either via or by calling 08000 150 600 who will take up the complaint from there.

Related Policies

  • Appeals Procedure
  • Maladministration Policy
  • Internal Quality Assurance Policy
  • Additional Learning Support and Reasonable Adjustments Policy