Apprenticeship Overview

CQM T&C deliver critical, funded Apprenticeship Programmes to support organisations build a brighter future

"Apprenticeships are just for school leavers taking up a manual trade, right?"

Wrong. Apprenticeships are not just for young people or people in the manual sector. Apprenticeships are designed to develop knowledge, improve skills and instil the right behaviours for anyone, at any level, in any business or industry looking to boost their development and progression opportunities.

Apprenticeships act as a way for organisations to upskill and empower their all important employees to deliver greater performance.

Take the plunge! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out of education for 1 year or 10 years. You can progress while learning on the job alongside your normal role. You will have the support and the opportunities to take full advantage of the course. It has only been a positive experience for me, I progressed and developed my skills so much in just a year and even got to interview for my desired progression role before I had even finished the course.

Chelsea - Improvement, Innovation and Effectiveness Assistant

Derbyshire Community Health Services – NHS Foundation Trust

Our Apprenticeship Programmes

Apprenticeship Level 2

Apprenticeship Level 3

Apprenticeship Level 4

Apprenticeship Level 5 & 6

How We Partner With You


Taking care of initial set up, with our robust and seamless onboarding process including support with Levy funding

Planning Delivery

Planning exciting workshops or master classes and coaching delivery, with thought provoking exercises and real life examples

Key Dates

Providing dates of all workshops and coaching well in advance, so you can plan ahead to ensure sufficient release

Working with You

Understanding requirements, as well as supporting with how you allocate a mentor to help the learner succeed

Expert Delivery

Our vastly experienced Development Coaches bring the Apprenticeship programme to life

Support Projects

Supporting with any project work, which will showcase a real, measurable positive impact

Off the Job

Supporting with understanding and means of recording Off the Job Training which is crucial to completing the programme. From August 2022 this is based on a 6 hour baseline

System Access

Providing systems to track Off the Job Training, Project Work and preparation for End Point Assessment

Exclusive Tools

Giving access to exclusive templates, tools and other pro-formas to use during the programme and to keep after completion


Planning of regular governance meetings, to provide full visibility and to ensure everything is on track

Apprenticeship Delivery

How We Deliver Apprenticeships

cqm ltd

Open Cohort Approach

Our Open Cohort approach has been developed as an ideal solution for companies looking to release smaller numbers of employees (up to 4 per company) for apprenticeship training. See Key Features of a Open Cohort;

  • Lower impact on organisations as fewer employees released
  • Opportunity to share best practice and engage in peer learning
  • Opportunity to develop networks
  • Virtual delivery making it accessible for everyone
  • All dates shared in advance, to support with planning ahead

CI and Lean Training | CQM Ltd.

Tailored Approach

Our Tailored approach is perfect for organisations with greater number of employees being released at once for a particular apprenticeship, and as such we offer tailored delivery. See Key Features of our tailored approach;

  • Bespoke to organisations desired outcomes and behaviours
  • Relevant to organisation, including terminology, values and examples
  • Flexible delivery approach – face to face, virtual or blended
  • Brings people together to break down silos
  • Work with organisation to create a schedule of delivery that works around busy periods to lower impact of release

Download Our Open Programme Apprenticeship Brochure 2024/25

Complete the form below to download the brochure including schedule for 2024/25

If you’d like to find out more, contact us today



If you’d like to find out more, contact us today