Blogs & Insights

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End Point Assessment – What’s the Point?

End Point Assessment – What’s the Point?

Our first cohorts of Apprentices are going through End Point Assessment and as an organisation, with our partners, we are all learning a lot in a short space of time. All those thoughts, worries, fears and fantasies are here now and they may be approaching for others...

Inspecting the RoATP Inspections

Inspecting the RoATP Inspections

During 2018, OFSTED (@ofstednews) have been making judgements of 'Insufficient', 'Reasonable' or 'Significant' on new providers on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers against three key areas; Leadership, Quality and Safeguarding, to ensure new providers...

Apprenticeships Work

Apprenticeships Work

When the Apprenticeship Levy was introduced in April 2017, many employers were sceptical about whether it could work, and it was seen in some cases as just another tax. As a result, some businesses put a hold on their commissioning of apprenticeship programmes while...

Subcontracting – Rewriting the Narrative

Subcontracting – Rewriting the Narrative

Subcontracting of apprenticeship provision is a hot topic at the moment. @AELP, @OFSTEDnews, @feweek and others have weighed into the debate and @ESFAgov have just published guidance on practical examples of policy application. The guidance tells us that...

Apprenticeship Levy Price Ceiling – Has it Worked?

Apprenticeship Levy Price Ceiling – Has it Worked?

In May 2017, the UK Government introduced a funding system for Apprenticeships which defined 15 upper funding ceilings for apprenticeships. The government now feel that ‘employers do not feel able to negotiate on price’ (see below). Multimillion turnover organisations...

Should Apprenticeships be More Agile?

Should Apprenticeships be More Agile?

Apprenticeships are thorough development programmes for new joiners or existing staff to learn a significant new skillset for a job role. They are typically delivered over a long period to allow knowledge, skills and behaviours to embed. But are we getting the...

Hitchen Foods

Hitchen Foods

The dynamic collaboration between Hitchen Foods and CQM T&C has delivered dramatic results, both financially, and in behaviour and culture. Cian Short, Training Manager, Hitchen Foods “It has opened our eyes to what can really be achieved by small changes,...

Working towards a better future

Working towards a better future

In a nutshell, at CQM Training & Consultancy Ltd, that’s what we do. Undisputed experts working nationally, with cross-sector clients, providing multi-disciplinary training that transforms both people and business. As part of the Instructus Group we adhere to the...

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