Environmental Policy

Version Number 1
Issue Date (Last Review Date) 01/06/2021
Review Date June 2024
Author Dawn Hughes (Quality & Compliance Manager)
Approved by Andy Cheshire (MD)


CQM Training & Consultancy (CQM T&C) recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. We will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.


The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that the environmental policy is implemented. However, all employees have a responsibility to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.

Policy aims

CQM T&C will endeavour to:
• Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements
• Continually improve and monitor environmental performance
• Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts
• Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions
• Increase employee awareness and training
Specifically, we will:
Managing Waste
• Recycle resources such as stationery items
• Recycle waste paper (non-confidential)
• Recycle Toner and Ink Cartridges
• Use glasses and cups in the Chesterfield office, as oppose to paper/plastic
• Reduce the amount of paper used in printing, through double sided printing or using electronic/digital methods, such as E Portfolio
• Policies to be held on Sharepoint rather than a paper manual
• Reduce the amount of travel to internal meetings
• Reduce travel to external meetings
• Delivery and IQA to be done using remote means where possible
• All learners to be provided with an on-demand e-portfolio system
• Recruitment of new staff within project regions
• Taps, lights and IT Equipment to be switched off when not in use
This policy will be reviewed on an at least an biannual basis or more regularly, should legislation dictate