What are CQM's UKPRN and VAT numbers?
UKPRN : 10025961 (United Kingdom Provider Reference Number)
VAT : 319 1702 17
Where in the UK do you deliver training?
CQM T&C is a national training provider and we have specialists across the whole country who are able to facilitate programme delivery. We deliver a blend of on site, (at your premises), and online instructor led training. We are able to reach our international client base via our online instructor led programmes.
What does remote education look like for a learner?
Remote education provision: information for learners and their employers
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to learners and employers about what to expect from remote education.
What does remote education look like for me as a learner?
Where your learning must be delivered remotely, this will usually be taught sessions or coaching delivered via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Sessions may become shorter, with more regular breaks, or even become more frequent (where it is possible to do this).
The OneFile E Portfolio system will be accessible to you, where you can access resources and upload assessment evidence, record learning journals and timesheet entries.
If I do not have digital or online access at home, how will you support me to access remote education?
We recognise that some learners may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those learners to access remote education:
- where possible, we can provide equipment such as laptops or Chromebooks to support you to access your learning online
- we will work with your employer to see if they can support with IT equipment, for you to access remote education
- printed material can be arranged to help you to continue to progress
- regular telephone contact (in agreement) will be made to support you remotely
How will I be taught remotely?
Some examples of remote teaching approaches:
- live teaching (online sessions)
- recorded teaching or catch up from live sessions
- printed paper packs produced by the Development Coach (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)
- long-term project work and/or internet research
Do you have your own training facilities?
The majority of training we deliver is blended on-site and online instructor led.
However we also offer training facilities at our Market Harborough head office and Chesterfield offices.
What is your registered company number and address?
Registered in England:
No. 02782477
Registered Office:
Suite 103a, Harborough Enterprise Centre, Compass Point Business Park, Northampton Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9HW
Part of the Instructus Group
Can you provide relevant CVs of your delivery staff upon request?
All of our trainers are industry experienced and have the relevant qualifications to enable them to provide workplace training. We keep up to date CVs of each member of staff, demonstrating their ongoing CPD and relevant experience.
We are more than happy to provide clients with CVs of relevant employees upon request.
How do Qualification Levels Work?
Level 7 : Masters Degree or NVQ L7
Level 6 : Bachelors Degree or NVQ L6
Level 5 : HND (Higher National Diploma) or Foundation Degree or NVQ L5
Level 4 : HNC (Higher National Certificate) or Certificate of Higher Education or NVQ L4
Level 3 : A-Levels or Key Skills L3 or GNVQ Advanced or NVQ L3
Level 2 : GCSE Levels A-C (or 4-9 since 2018), or Functional Skills L2, or Basic Skills L2
Level 1 : GCSE Levels D-F (or 1-3 since 2018), or Functional Skills L1, or Basic Skills L1
Entry Level : There are 3 Entry Levels, which sit below Level 1. Entry Level 1 is the lowest, Entry Level 3 is the highest. They are equivalent to the lower levels of GCSE.
How do I prove my functional skills level in Maths and English
Within apprenticeships, you are required to prove you have functional skills in Maths and English by the time you complete the programme. You may be exempt, in which case you can use options 1 and 2.
Option 1 – Your first port of call is that if you have completed a Maths and English qualification within the last 10 years, your school, college or training provider should have uploaded the details to the Learner Records Service and this is seen as proof that you have completed this element. However, not all training providers are fastidious as CQM and sometimes the record is missing (so you may need to prompt them if you can).
Option 2 – Your second option is to find your certificate to prove you have the qualification. Or if you know your awarding organisation, you can request a replacement certificate.
Option 3 – Your final option is that you will need to undertake functional skills qualification including the examination, at the level required, during the programme.