Lean Sigma Six

White Belt

Training & Development

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Lean Six Sigma White Belt

White Belt is the most basic level of certification that teaches the very basic concepts of Lean Six Sigma. It is designed to provide a basic definition, history and structure of the discipline. It also provides a solid understanding of who is involved in the actual implementation within an organisation. White Belts will be able to assist with change management as well as participate with local problem-solving teams that support projects.

Lean Six Sigma White Belt Covers:

  • Understanding the customer’s needs
  • How to define a project
  • How to measure current performance
  • How to identify solutions
  • How to sustain improvements
  • About DMAIC Processes
  • Minimising waste to increase customer satisfaction

CQM T&C can underpin your training course with a relevant IASSC certificate. IASSC provide professional Lean Six Sigma credentialing through their globally recognised Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Green Belt and Yellow Belt Certifications

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Level of Delivery: Level 2
Optional Certificate: In-house Lean Six Sigma White Belt
Entry Requirements: N/A
Cohort Size: 2-12
Programme Duration: 2 days
Route: Lean Six Sigma
Delivery Location: On-site Client Location
Sectors: Pan Sector (Manufacturing & Service)
Quote: tbc Bakkavor Group Graduate programme with Ian Hayhurst

“Great foundation, great teacher, and great tools to take away for the future. Would recommend for future 1st year groups as a good starting base.”

Zack Jones


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